Summer Safety Tips

From trips to the beach to running and playing in the yard, the summer season can mean a lot of fun outdoors for you and your pet. But high temperatures and scorching sun can also create dangerous and sometimes fatal situations. Follow these safety tips to keep your cat or dog safe this summer. 

Know the Signs of Heat Stroke

First, you should know that heat stroke is a medical emergency. If your dog or cat has been exposed to high-heat for a long time and you suspect they have heatstroke, bring them to your nearest animal hospital immediately. If your local hospital is not open, bring your pet to an emergency clinic.


Recognizing the symptoms of heatstroke in dogs and cats

Your pet can’t tell you when something isn’t right, but knowing how to identify behavioral differences as signs of heatstroke could be life-saving. Common signs of heatstroke in dogs and cats include:

laying down.jpg
  • Exaggerated panting

  • Brick red gums

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • High fever

  • Collapse

  • Vomiting

  • Staring/anxious expression

If you see any of these signs, you can help to lower your pet’s temperature on the way to the hospital by applying towels soaked in cool water to hairless areas of your pet, especially the feet. If possible, put your pet’s face near a fan or cool air vent.


Summer Car Safety for Dogs and Cats

The most important advice for ALL pet owners is to never leave your pet in the car, especially during the summer. Even when it doesn’t seem that hot outside, and even with the windows cracked, temperatures can rise to dangerous levels in a matter of minutes.

Aside from this primary car-related summer danger, pet owners should also know how to keep their pets safe when the vehicle is in motion on summer road trips and other joyrides.

Truck bed.PNG

If you have a truck, it’s safe to say that you should never let them ride loose in the truck bed. Instead, put them in a kennel that is secured to the bed.

Even inside the vehicle, it’s ideal to secure your pet to prevent them from hurting themselves or causing too much distraction while you are driving. Also, as fun as it is to see a dog taking in the sights and smells with his tongue flapping in the wind, it’s best not to let your pet stick his or her head out the window. This could cause irritation to the eyes, or even an injury from rocks or other objects that may kick up into your pet’s face while driving.

Sun Protection

Just like people, pets can also get sunburned. Sunburns can cause pain, peeling skin, and even skin cancer. It’s best to minimize your dog or cat’s exposure to the mid-day sun, when the sun’s rays are most powerful. If you plan on being outdoors in the sun for an extended period you can apply a pet-specific sunscreen to your dog or cat to minimize the exposure.


You can find all types of pet sunscreen on Amazon.

Do Not use human sunscreens unless directed to do so by your veterinarian. Many human sunscreens can be toxic to pets if ingested. 

Exercise Precautions

Dogs and cats need exercise all year long, but when temperatures rise you may need to alter your pet’s routine. To avoid over-exertion, shorter, more frequent activities may be better than long runs or hikes. It’s also best to exercise your pet early in the morning or later in the evening when temperatures are cooler. Watch our summer safety video for more tips on exercising in hot weather.

Water Safety


Not all pets like to be near water, and not all are great swimmers. If your summer plans include oceans, lakes, rivers, or pools, you should introduce your pet to water gradually so they get used to it slowly.

It’s also important that you never leave your pet unattended around a pool or body of water. Do your best not to let your pet drink from the pool, lake, pond, etc. While sources of seemingly endless summer fun, all of these can cause health issues including stomach upset or transmission of parasites such as giardia.

Want someone to take your pet to the beach for you? Furbaby Pet Services will have one of our expert team members pick-up your pup and take them for a day at the beach! You will also get pictures and video so that your furbaby can remember all the fun they had with their favorite Pet Caregiver.

If you’re new to Furbaby Pet Services, schedule your free Meet & Greet to see all of the services we have for your pet.